savings for your business


Good job for providing health insurance and taking care of your employees! The cost for your employees that are Medicare eligible under a group plan is usually very expensive. HOWEVER, I can help you remove the employees from the group plan; lowering the cost and providing more robust coverage options for your employees. 

getting started

How it works

work with business owner

I meet with the business owner to discuss the their situation, go over you current plan, and educate them on their possible options.

work with employees

I meet with the individual employees that are eligible for medicare and get them set up on their own plans. See How I Can Help page for more info.

continual support

I stay available for support, sign up new seniors, and I meet with your employees annually to renew their plan and discuss possible savings opportunity.

getting started

Now is a great time to start switching and get saving!  My services are free of charge.  Click below to get in touch with me and get your free consultation.